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Voting in the General Election - Easy Read Resources


It is important for people with learning disabilities to take part in all aspects of society, and to have their voices heard.

We want to encourage people with learning disabilities to be interested in politics, and especially to vote in the upcoming General Election, which will be held on 4th July.

We have been scouring the internet to find resources about elections in Easy Read, and here is some of what we’ve found.

We’ve created a free resource about elections, with a summary of the links in this blog. You can find it on our website here.

My Vote My Voice

The My Vote My Voice campaign is on a mission to encourage people with learning disabilities and autistic people to vote in the 2024 General Election. Because your voice matters.

They have produced an online Easy Read quick guide to voting, with information about why and how to vote.

They also have Easy Read information about how politics works.
You can fill out a short form on their website to get a free badge, to say that you’ve registered to vote.
My Vote My Voice say: ‘It’s really important that everyone who can vote, does vote. This is the best way for most people to have a say in the way the country is run.’
They also have pages for carers or support workers, organisations, and elected representatives, with resources to inspire someone with a learning disability and/or autism to use their legal right to vote.

Click here for My Vote My Voice Resources


Mencap have a page about elections, with information about how to get more involved in politics. They have joined with My Voice My Vote and worked with them on their Easy Read information.

Click here for Easy Read about elections

The Government

There is also Easy Read information on the Government website about how to register to vote, and different ways to vote: 


And about the voter registration certificate, which you need if you do not have any photo ID.

Click here for Easy Read about the voter registration certificate


And a guide they wrote with Mencap, about voting and registering to vote.

Click here for an Easy Read guide about voting


The Electoral Commission

The Electoral Commission have guides on how to register to vote in England, Scotland and Wales:

The Electoral Commission have also written a report called Elections for everyone, about registering to vote and voting from the view of someone with a disability. You can read the report on their website: Click here for the Electoral Commission report on voting 

What you can do

 You can sign the I Need Easy Read petition, asking people to support Easy Read in the UK.

And you can ask the candidates in your constituency to sign the pledge to support Easy Read, and display their support on social media. You can direct them to this link to pledge:

You could also ask the election candidates in your constituency for campaign materials in Easy Read!